Graphic Design west of Ireland
Wall Graphic.jpeg

Expanded Territories

Harnessing Creativity’s “Expanded Territories” was an experimental combination of exhibition, demonstrations, masterclasses, talks and screenings but will most importantly be a celebration of all things creative! The region surrounding Leitrim, Fermanagh & Tyrone has long been heralded as a national leader in the creative industries with talents ranging from architecture to film, design to photography, music to creative applications of technology. 

We project managed the Expanded Territories design for the showcase exhibition and seminar including the identity, all printed material and intro graphics.

Exhibition design was in collaboration with Linda Shevlin and Gordon Ryan.

Screen Shot 2016-04-20 at 16.50.05.png
Wall Graphic.jpeg
Drop the City:Local-E.jpeg
Gallery 1 (2).jpeg
expand ed territories 11-09-2013.jpg
Resource Area.jpeg